Memphis Islamic Center

Memphis Islamic Center

Fundraising Requests
The goal of this policy is to provide guidelines for all fundraising requests sent to the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). This policy supersedes and cancels any other document that provides information contrary to the information contained in this policy. If you plan to request fundraising at MIC, Please read the policy and fill the form.

Supporting documents to be included with the fundraising request form:
Incorporation paper of nonprofit status from the state in which it operates in.
The IRS EIN notification letter or a legal proof of an EIN number.
A copy of the last years 990 form (from the IRS) or an official financial statement for at least 6 months.
The information contained in this policy might not be applicable in all circumstances and is subject to change without notice. By using this policy, the user agrees that MIC has no liability (to extent permitted by the applicable law) for any general consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages that might result.
This policy is not a contract in any form, although adherence to these standards is a condition of engagement. Organizations requesting fundraising activities are on an “at-will” basis, which means that either the requesting organization or the Memphis Islamic Center can cancel the request at any time and for any or no reason, with or without notice, and with or without cause.

The goal of this policy and form is to provide guidelines for all fundraising requests sent to the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). This policy supersedes and cancels any other document that provides information contrary to the information contained in this policy. If you plan to request fundraising at MIC, Please read the policy and fill the form.
All fundraising requests should be sent using this fundraising application request form. No fundraising will be accepted or approved by any other means.
Fundraising preference, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, will be for the MIC and Memphis-based Community Projects.
All applying organizations must be based and located in the United States.
All applications must be sent at least 90 days prior to the requested fundraising day. A response will be sent out to the organization within 2 weeks after providing all of the requested documents.
The MIC Fundraising/Finance Committee, MIC Executive Director, and MIC Imam shall be notified and must agree if the requested date is Friday.
The announcement to introduce the external organization/person will be made by a MIC representative.
The following documents or copies of these documents must be submitted with the form:
Incorporation papers of nonprofit status from the state in which it operates.
The IRS EIN notification letter or a legal proof of an EIN number
A copy of the previous year’s 990 form (from the IRS) or an official financial statement (6 months)
MIC will only allow one fundraiser per year for each organization at MIC discretion.
Fundraising organization must provide receipts of funds collected during visit.
MIC has the privilege to cancel or reschedule any fundraising activity due to unforeseen last minute commitments and unpredictable occasions. In that case, the requesting organization will be notified in advance no later than two weeks from the actual fundraising date.
Failure to comply with one or all of these regulations may result in consequences up to and including cancellation and forfeiture of funds collected.
If you agree with the MIC Fundraising Policy, please complete the form and provide all supporting documents.