Memphis Islamic Center

Memphis Islamic Center

The Emergency and Medical Response Team (EMRT)
A First Aid and Basic Emergency Team for the Memphis Muslim Community
Why Have an EMRT ?
Heart Attacks are the leading cause of death in the US today.
Proper Administration of CPR and AED shocks improves chances of surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest.
Chances of survival decrease 7-10% with every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation
Sudden cardiac arrest can happen in any age group
Medical emergencies and urgent medical conditions can happen at any time, any place, and to any person
To be prepared · Learn more: Project ADAM:

What is the EMRT and what will it do ?
A first aid response team specifically trained and equipped to handle certain medical emergencies within the scope of its training and practice at a first aid level up to the level of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) and HeartSaver programs with advanced care being deferred to EMS upon arrival of EMS at the scene.
Provide basic first aid at large Muslim gathers/events, all masajid, and PVS (each organization will have its own team)
Educate fellow Muslims and the community about first aid, health, and safety
In the future, provide CPR and first aid courses regularly
Where will the EMRT be and when will the team be needed ?
At all Masajid and PVS in Memphis during Ramadan/iftar/taraweeh, Jumuah prayer
At all large Muslim gatherings/events (for example, Eid prayer, Muslim MEMFest)