Memphis Islamic Center
Memphis Islamic Center
Financial Aid
Any assistance provided in the form of sadaqa or zakat will be distributed only once per application request.
All requests for sadaqa or zakat funds must be made by filling out and submitting Application Form in advance. Please allow for reasonable time to process the application and, if the application is accepted, to distribute funds.
Confidentiality of the applicant and his or her application will be respected by MIC and its Zakat and Sadaqa Committee. However, we reserve the right to communicate with local religious institutions with a similarly situated committee, and the religious institution you designate in the application form below.
Erroneous or false information will automatically result in rejection of the application.
Eligibility for sadaqa or zakat will be based on a set of criteria established by the Zakat and Sadaqa Committee.
We reserve the right to request for additional information.
Please bring the following documents with you to expedite your application for assistance:
Driver’s license
Social Security Card
Any and all documentation to support your need for assistance